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The Pyramid Model vs. Pyramid Scheme


Some people confuse a pyramid model to a pyramid scheme. While they do operate the same there is one key difference. A Pyramid Scheme is against the law. The real difference between a pyramid model and scheme is that a pyramid model has value and sells a product or service.  A pyramid scheme is a lie there is no real product or service and the whole reason it exist is to entice people to give up their money.  

So do you think Herba life is a pyramid scheme or pyramid model?  Before you answer, let discuss how a pyramid model works.  In a pyramid model the mass of people at the bottom support the people at the top.  Any idea who else operates in this way?  Our government operates in this manner and so do most publicly traded companies.  

There are some good points on both sides of the story, take the time to watch the movie on Netflix and join Credit Agent Plus for a lively discussion from experts in Pyramid Model business and those who oppose them. 

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